ok i havent been updating much again have i?
bet you're all just dying to find out what i did these past few days huh? i doubt i even have more than 5 readers... lame-ness..
anyway on Saturday, 7th February, went out with the squash gang.. had runs in the morning and Darren came so Yassin and I played with him.. he's still good... dammit boy why arent you training?
anyway went home to have lunch and take a shower then met up with Max, Yassin, Darren and Nicholas at Chicken Rice Shop in Queensbay.. those guys i tell you, i insisted that i had lunch and was still full but they ordered that crazy set for God-knows-how-many-people... so i had to eat anyway.. if i gain weight instead of lose it you guys are gonna get it...
went to the arcade and played a few rounds of Daytona and this weird dude joined in the game with us... he was next to me and boy did he suck... the girls came soon after... Sara (i shall refer Wee Nee to her first name from now on), Jee Nee, Yi Lian and Vanessa.. we parted and then came a little asian boy (no names required).. he joined us... =.=

Pink Panther 2... the show is so dumb... i meant funny dumb... i doubt that there's actually a person in this world that is anything like the great..............
INSPECTOR JACQUES CLOUSEAU..!!total nut-job this dude... awesome accent.. haha...
after the movie again the guys and girls parted and to my greatest delight, LAB (short for Little-Asian-Boy) didnt follow us... he went with the girls... oh joy... =.=
the guys and I headed to Kenny Rogers for dinner... had a blast...


Nicholas ordering.... or *ahem*askingforphonenumber*ahem*? LOL

Max with his come-on-where-is-the-damn-wireless-connection face...

Green Shirt Dude = Darren
yesterday i bought the Dunlop racket... and immediately used it... well not before Yassin did the opening ceremony... he hit a nick shot with it and tod me its for good luck... funny thing though, it worked... haha... i hit a nick when playing full court game... and in the same corner... hahah..
nothing much happened today.. just remembered MSSPP starts today... how i wish i could play... but instead i'm stuck with english and moral assignments, and a computer science test on thursday which i have failed to study for yet.. holy crap shouldnt I be studying? O_O
football "training" was pretty ok... stupid seniors trying to act smart and run the squad... this is the part where Max says
"DONT TRY TO BE SMART..!!"... haha... ironically my friends and I, juniors, are kicking the senior's asses on the field... i think i did pretty well today... regaining fitness and actually lasting longer... cant explain why i got breathing problems though... creepy...
i guess that's all for now... will update if anything interesting comes to mind...
