3rd January 2009
it was a Saturday and it did not get off to a good start... of all weeks, it rained this week when we have the camp instead of runs... but that did not dampen our spirits...
i left my house at 7am after hearing news from Dennis that it was raining heavily at the Water Sports Centre.. i fetched Nicholas and Andria with my sister tagging along...
we arrived at the Water Sports Centre at around 7.30am and it was still raining... we quickly prepared Plan B.... thankfully, the rain wasn't very therefore we could carry on with some of the not-so-physical activities while hoping the rain would stop...
not many people turned up for this camp... i was a little disappointed at the attendance as there was much effort from certain members of the organizing committee... regardless of the no-shows, roughly 75 people still showed up...
Max and Wee Nee at the registration... BR being a busybody....
participants eager to start..

the most adorable siblings at the camp..
since it was still raining, not only did we have to cramp all participants and officials under the small shaded area, we also had to divide the area into two sections in order to have the registration and the ice-breaker....
the ice-breaker was fairly simple, the idea was to get every participant to get to know new people by writing down their names and other details... an idea i extracted from the H Factor Workshop... we quickly moved on to the Team Poster making session..... i personally did not check out the posters (although being appointed 1 of the 3 judges)...
as the poster making session ends, so did the rain.... a few committee members quickly set up the track as i drove around the entire Tanjung Bungah area searching for materials.... and so, the first race began... participants were required to spin around on the spot for 10 times before proceeding to collect the sponge and filling up the bottle at the end of the track.... it was amusing seeing those small and big kids lose their balance in their hopeless attempt to go in a straight line..

some of the committee members decided to try twirling and keeping our balance so we designed a challenge.... spin 10 times and dribble the ball across the track.... we all failed miserably... it was fun trying though....
i gave it a shot...

vainsanity at its best...
(vain + insanity = vainsanity)

well well... look who decided to kick some balls... haha..
Structure Building was next... all they had were straws..... participants were allowed to have lunch as well... after lunch, us seniors judged the structures and honestly only 2 teams did a good job... Green (Ryan) and Orange (Khartik)..... Yellow team was disgraceful as our OWN COMMITTEE member BR helped the team captain/sister Vanessa... dude seriously, you're hopeless no offense.... he also extended the time when none of the seniors approved of it.... in the end, yellow got the worst score for the structure building....
next up : Sack Race.... it wasnt as much fun as the first race but fun none the less.... this one boy from the Orange team jumped like a kangaroo dammit.... amazing stuff.... after that, it was the balls-in-between-your-legs race.... funny stuff.... the next game is a little complicated and hard to explain but it was slow and the hype died after awhile....
the so-called "main event" was next... teams have to pass the water balloons from one end to the other without bursting them.... well us seniors played with the balloons more than the kids..... anyway next up was the flour-in-your-face game.... oh we had real fun then...
immediately after the game ended, we moved on to the prize presentation.... Uncle Yeap was given the honour to hand out the prizes to the 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd placing... well we didnt really have other choices so BR's dad gave out 2nd and 1st place.... =.=
this is where the REAL fun begins..... water balloons were pelted at the coaches and they retaliated... we sent our own Max Ong behind enemy lines and he got caught.... what happened you might ask? he got a little swim... Allan, Kesh and BR took his pants off... poor guy.... well i wanted to push Dennis in but when i thought Allan came to help me, i got betrayed......... he helped Dennis pull me into the sea and then a whole group of people came trying to get my pants off as well..... at least i tied the string........ and thank heavens for the simple invention called contact lenses! i managed to scream, struggle and kick my way out of it and ran for solid ground....
in the end, almost everyone got wet.... no wait, everyone got wet.... only one however was a little sore-loser..... i mean come one, everyone was soaked......
all in all, it was fun... i sure hope next year's camp will be better and i hope i can make it... i guess that's all for now.... i dont have all the pictures so i cant upload...

signing off...
it was a Saturday and it did not get off to a good start... of all weeks, it rained this week when we have the camp instead of runs... but that did not dampen our spirits...
i left my house at 7am after hearing news from Dennis that it was raining heavily at the Water Sports Centre.. i fetched Nicholas and Andria with my sister tagging along...
we arrived at the Water Sports Centre at around 7.30am and it was still raining... we quickly prepared Plan B.... thankfully, the rain wasn't very therefore we could carry on with some of the not-so-physical activities while hoping the rain would stop...
not many people turned up for this camp... i was a little disappointed at the attendance as there was much effort from certain members of the organizing committee... regardless of the no-shows, roughly 75 people still showed up...
since it was still raining, not only did we have to cramp all participants and officials under the small shaded area, we also had to divide the area into two sections in order to have the registration and the ice-breaker....
the ice-breaker was fairly simple, the idea was to get every participant to get to know new people by writing down their names and other details... an idea i extracted from the H Factor Workshop... we quickly moved on to the Team Poster making session..... i personally did not check out the posters (although being appointed 1 of the 3 judges)...
as the poster making session ends, so did the rain.... a few committee members quickly set up the track as i drove around the entire Tanjung Bungah area searching for materials.... and so, the first race began... participants were required to spin around on the spot for 10 times before proceeding to collect the sponge and filling up the bottle at the end of the track.... it was amusing seeing those small and big kids lose their balance in their hopeless attempt to go in a straight line..
some of the committee members decided to try twirling and keeping our balance so we designed a challenge.... spin 10 times and dribble the ball across the track.... we all failed miserably... it was fun trying though....
(vain + insanity = vainsanity)
Structure Building was next... all they had were straws..... participants were allowed to have lunch as well... after lunch, us seniors judged the structures and honestly only 2 teams did a good job... Green (Ryan) and Orange (Khartik)..... Yellow team was disgraceful as our OWN COMMITTEE member BR helped the team captain/sister Vanessa... dude seriously, you're hopeless no offense.... he also extended the time when none of the seniors approved of it.... in the end, yellow got the worst score for the structure building....
next up : Sack Race.... it wasnt as much fun as the first race but fun none the less.... this one boy from the Orange team jumped like a kangaroo dammit.... amazing stuff.... after that, it was the balls-in-between-your-legs race.... funny stuff.... the next game is a little complicated and hard to explain but it was slow and the hype died after awhile....
the so-called "main event" was next... teams have to pass the water balloons from one end to the other without bursting them.... well us seniors played with the balloons more than the kids..... anyway next up was the flour-in-your-face game.... oh we had real fun then...
immediately after the game ended, we moved on to the prize presentation.... Uncle Yeap was given the honour to hand out the prizes to the 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd placing... well we didnt really have other choices so BR's dad gave out 2nd and 1st place.... =.=
this is where the REAL fun begins..... water balloons were pelted at the coaches and they retaliated... we sent our own Max Ong behind enemy lines and he got caught.... what happened you might ask? he got a little swim... Allan, Kesh and BR took his pants off... poor guy.... well i wanted to push Dennis in but when i thought Allan came to help me, i got betrayed......... he helped Dennis pull me into the sea and then a whole group of people came trying to get my pants off as well..... at least i tied the string........ and thank heavens for the simple invention called contact lenses! i managed to scream, struggle and kick my way out of it and ran for solid ground....
in the end, almost everyone got wet.... no wait, everyone got wet.... only one however was a little sore-loser..... i mean come one, everyone was soaked......
all in all, it was fun... i sure hope next year's camp will be better and i hope i can make it... i guess that's all for now.... i dont have all the pictures so i cant upload...
signing off...
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