I dont know why I didnt do this for the first one but anyway I'm doing it now.. I think West wont come as a surprise.. Although I cant say the same for East..

come on you cant honestly tell me you didnt see this coming right? haha.. well yes, this is Emma Watson.. the reason why I love the United Kingdom.. lol.. she has completely transformed from a typical girl to one fine lady.. yup, I can totally see us getting married in 10 years time.. haha..
*Brian, I've found my 10 years later.. LOL*
anyway here's some more pictures of this British wonder from a photoshoot by Rankin..

ok so how can I possibly find a match for that? well surprisingly, Asia ceases to impress.. its no wonder that this person was brought to my attention by Brian.. and Samantha also in fact.. anyway yea here goes..

I dont really know what her real name is.. she's just so impossible.. she could actually make me pay more attention to Asia.. absolutely gorgeous.. LOL.. anyway I dont have much to say.. more pictures..

Psychology finals is on Friday.. I doubt I'll be awesome but I only hope for the best.. after that I'm pretty much home free.. Religion is pretty much ok..
I need a vacation after this.. I really do..
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