Saturday, January 29, 2011

Message from Alliance.

Hey there!

I'm not sure how many followers I have here but I do hope people actually read this. I mean, it would have been a waste of time if no one did, right? So yes I am in a small town in Ohio called Alliance. Well unlike my best-friend who went to a big university in Kansas, I'm in a small liberal arts college that just got promoted to university status prior to my arrival. The entire town itself has less people than the population of KU.

 I have actually done this before.

Here I am sitting on a couch my roommate bought, all alone in my room. Its cold outside so there's not much you can do. Its been ages since I had actually wrote on my blog. Been making too many embarrassing videos thinking I can be a top vlogger. I do like vlogging though.

You all may wonder what kind of classes I might be taking this semester. I currently enrolled in 5 classes and they are Introduction to Communication, American Government, Environmental Science, Elementary Statistics, and African-American Rhetoric. I can't say I love the classes because it would have been a lie but I do enjoy a few of them. The other classes are just not my forte which means I'm going to have to work my ass off harder to understand it. Which reminds me, I need to find audio clips or videos of Martin Luther King Jr. giving his speeches. Reading it just doesn't work for me.

The gym here is pretty awesome. I haven't been there much this week because the cold weather just ticks me off whenever I step outside but I promised myself to go more in the weeks (months) to come. I have come to realized that I totally suck at basketball after trying to play with a few friends that day. I'll stick to soccer. Since I'm talking about soccer, I really wish I could join the soccer team. I played only one game for INTI and a few for INTI Futsal which pretty much means nothing and thanks to my racist junior and high school coaches, I never got the chance to play and train for an actual team. With INTI it wasn't much of a team but more like a gathering of people with similar interests. INTI's training system sucked. No one ever attended, and the coach bailed on the team even before we had a chance to prove ourselves. Saw a Russian looking guy juggle the ball when I was in the gym the other day. I named in Sergei. He looks like a Sergei. Anyway he was really good. Makes me fear for the worst. I mean what if Americans can actually play soccer right? I'm kidding. I love the USA team. They are still in the top 10 world ranking right? I'm straying out of topic here.

Things are good so far. I have made a few friends, most of them international students. Most of them Vietnamese. Why aren't there any Koreans here? ? I still wish to learn Korean but the languages offered here so far are French (bestf is taking French this sem), Japanese, German, and Mandarin next semester. I have only one other Malaysian  friend here. Carol was THE ONLY Malaysian student till I arrived unless you include Aunt Judy.

The AIS (Association of International Students) will have a trip to Cleveland next Saturday to celebrate the LUNAR New Year. I can't say Chinese New Year anymore because the Vietnamese celebrate it too. Good to know. I wish it was tomorrow. Can't wait for next week. There is also going to be a trip at the end of February. One is the trip to Grove City Outlet Mall in Pennsylvania and the other is an ice-skating trip to Canton, Ohio. I'm kinda sick of snow and all so I think my choice is pretty obvious. ICE SKATING! I'm just kidding. Maybe a little post-New Year shopping?

Spring Break is in March and the AIS is planning a trip to NYC. Now I would really love to go but I just came from NYC so I'll save it for next time. Which leaves me with this question, what the heck am I going to do during the spring break?

I'm gonna stop here before I end up with an annual report looking blog post. I miss home, but I am doing just fine here. Looking forward to CNY. I mean LNY.

 My weekend activity.

OH! I almost forgot. Valentines Day is just around the corner. As usual I will be spending this day at home (in this case, in my dorm) while others go out and have ridiculously expensive dinners. No, I do now have a Valentines but I am not open for one either. I think I have an idea who I want to ask (if I didn't already ask). I wish this whole post was a vlog instead but I want to write a little since its been so long.

So leave comments or anything at all to let me know if you have a Valentines date or anything about CNY/LNY/JNY (that's JUST New Year).

Till next post. 안녕!

One of the Asians I really look up to. Jay Park.

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