Saturday, January 29, 2011

Message from Alliance.

Hey there!

I'm not sure how many followers I have here but I do hope people actually read this. I mean, it would have been a waste of time if no one did, right? So yes I am in a small town in Ohio called Alliance. Well unlike my best-friend who went to a big university in Kansas, I'm in a small liberal arts college that just got promoted to university status prior to my arrival. The entire town itself has less people than the population of KU.

 I have actually done this before.

Here I am sitting on a couch my roommate bought, all alone in my room. Its cold outside so there's not much you can do. Its been ages since I had actually wrote on my blog. Been making too many embarrassing videos thinking I can be a top vlogger. I do like vlogging though.

You all may wonder what kind of classes I might be taking this semester. I currently enrolled in 5 classes and they are Introduction to Communication, American Government, Environmental Science, Elementary Statistics, and African-American Rhetoric. I can't say I love the classes because it would have been a lie but I do enjoy a few of them. The other classes are just not my forte which means I'm going to have to work my ass off harder to understand it. Which reminds me, I need to find audio clips or videos of Martin Luther King Jr. giving his speeches. Reading it just doesn't work for me.

The gym here is pretty awesome. I haven't been there much this week because the cold weather just ticks me off whenever I step outside but I promised myself to go more in the weeks (months) to come. I have come to realized that I totally suck at basketball after trying to play with a few friends that day. I'll stick to soccer. Since I'm talking about soccer, I really wish I could join the soccer team. I played only one game for INTI and a few for INTI Futsal which pretty much means nothing and thanks to my racist junior and high school coaches, I never got the chance to play and train for an actual team. With INTI it wasn't much of a team but more like a gathering of people with similar interests. INTI's training system sucked. No one ever attended, and the coach bailed on the team even before we had a chance to prove ourselves. Saw a Russian looking guy juggle the ball when I was in the gym the other day. I named in Sergei. He looks like a Sergei. Anyway he was really good. Makes me fear for the worst. I mean what if Americans can actually play soccer right? I'm kidding. I love the USA team. They are still in the top 10 world ranking right? I'm straying out of topic here.

Things are good so far. I have made a few friends, most of them international students. Most of them Vietnamese. Why aren't there any Koreans here? ? I still wish to learn Korean but the languages offered here so far are French (bestf is taking French this sem), Japanese, German, and Mandarin next semester. I have only one other Malaysian  friend here. Carol was THE ONLY Malaysian student till I arrived unless you include Aunt Judy.

The AIS (Association of International Students) will have a trip to Cleveland next Saturday to celebrate the LUNAR New Year. I can't say Chinese New Year anymore because the Vietnamese celebrate it too. Good to know. I wish it was tomorrow. Can't wait for next week. There is also going to be a trip at the end of February. One is the trip to Grove City Outlet Mall in Pennsylvania and the other is an ice-skating trip to Canton, Ohio. I'm kinda sick of snow and all so I think my choice is pretty obvious. ICE SKATING! I'm just kidding. Maybe a little post-New Year shopping?

Spring Break is in March and the AIS is planning a trip to NYC. Now I would really love to go but I just came from NYC so I'll save it for next time. Which leaves me with this question, what the heck am I going to do during the spring break?

I'm gonna stop here before I end up with an annual report looking blog post. I miss home, but I am doing just fine here. Looking forward to CNY. I mean LNY.

 My weekend activity.

OH! I almost forgot. Valentines Day is just around the corner. As usual I will be spending this day at home (in this case, in my dorm) while others go out and have ridiculously expensive dinners. No, I do now have a Valentines but I am not open for one either. I think I have an idea who I want to ask (if I didn't already ask). I wish this whole post was a vlog instead but I want to write a little since its been so long.

So leave comments or anything at all to let me know if you have a Valentines date or anything about CNY/LNY/JNY (that's JUST New Year).

Till next post. 안녕!

One of the Asians I really look up to. Jay Park.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Was in Kansas with the bestf and it was nice to finally see her after like half a year? Here's to more retarded moments when we visit. =D

More NYC.

I really dont feel like saying much so I'll just let my video do the talking. =)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New York City

Hello there from New York City!

I really miss everyone back home and some more than others. I'm sorry if I looked totally happy to leave but I'd have to admit, it took me awhile before I finally realized that I won't be going home so soon. This isn't a vacation, this is IT! I'm planning to return at the end of the year because there's someone I need to drag back to Ohio with me when SHE finally applies for Mount Union. I can't say much here. Its like 3am and I have another long day ahead tomorrow. I'll try to vlog as often as I can so keep yourself updated on my YouTube channel and my blog right here. =)

I love you Penang!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Week Without Internet

This is the complete playlist of my entire week. =)

Week Without Internet - Day #7

I didn't leave the house at all on Day #7 so there was nothing to vlog about. Sister came to my room when my week was finally over just to see that stupid look on my face as I jumped for joy and made my fan go "CLANG". ANYWAY....... ITS OVER!

Week Without Internet - Day #6

I finally got a chance to go to the Penang Pesta! Well its a yearly thing but I was never really interested. Since I'm about to leave for studies I thought maybe I should go for once. Its been a long time since I last stepped foot within the Pesta grounds. Sadly it was disappointing. What used to be a carnival was now a huge night market. Gambling is illegal to a "majority" of the "locals" and somehow carnival games were classified as gambling. I wonder how that works. So no carnival games for me. I didn't get to shoot down things with water guns. I didn't get to win big gifts that would be inappropriate for me to own. Sadly, even my FIRST EVER cotton candy was disappointing. I've lived 19 years not having cotton candy and built such a hype towards my first one. I will not have cotton candy again. Here's my Day 6 story:

Week Without Internet - Day #5

It was Melvin's cousin, Vanessa,s birthday and I was invited. It was a nice family celebration and I'm glad to have been included. They were mostly so musically talented it was amazing watching them perform.

Week Without Internet - Days #3 & #4

So its was Day 3 and my family decided to head over to Hatyai, Thailand for 2 days. Penang's water supply was supposed to be cut off for a day. I haven't been to Hatyai in a long time so it was nice to go back there. Did a little shopping and went home the next day. This is my story for Day 3 and 4.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Week Without Internet - Day #2

It was my last day as a coach. Guess what, I forgot to put the memory card into the camera. So I didn't get to vlog until I was back home. Had steamboat dinner at home and that was it.

Week Without Internet - Day #1

I started my internet-less week on Christmas day. Not the smartest move but I'm glad I did it. It was my last weekend as coach at the Penang Squash Academy. After Saturday's sessions, I went to a Christmas event by Penang First Assembly of God as I was invited by my brother from another mother, Melvin Chuah. OK maybe from another father as well.