Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lost and Gone Forever...

In Environmental Science class we were asked to read an article in the New York Times website and give our opinion on the matter. As this assignment was given to us online, I missed it. I managed to talk to the professor and he agreed to let me email it to him today and so I did. Curious to read my crap?

Here is the New York Times article titled "Lost and Gone Forever" by Richard Conniff.

This is the last minute opinion I wrote:

Lost and Gone Forever
I think the author made a few good points about how many human beings are oblivious to the fact that extinction is possible and that it could happen on any day and at any scale. While many people are aware of the possibility of extinction, even more are completely clueless and continue to leave huge ecological footprints.
Although many people know of the dangers we pose to nature, humans still carry on with activities that are harmful to nature and all of its living-creatures. We have discussed in class about the destruction of natural habitats to make way for human development. Although some may say that they are unaware of the circumstances, many choose to turn a blind eye on this issue and pretend as if nothing has changed compared to how it was many years ago. 

Restoration of an ecosystem to its original state may be an impossible task, but rehabilitation may also be harmful to the environment. By trying to rehabilitate certain ecosystems, we are introducing a species that is alien to that particular environment and we may not know what effects it may have on the surroundings. We may be able to replace a predator species with another into an environment but the fact that both are different types of animals may change the way things go about in that environment. That’s why it is best to preserve all living-creatures as it was before if possible. That is the only way.

We must all realize that we are driving our planet down a very dark path and start finding ways to change it. If we refuse to see it as our ancestors have hundreds of years before us, our world and our situation will only get worse and we will suffer along with all the other living creatures on Earth.

Was it as bad as I thought it was?

Great news! I did score an 83% on my American Government exam. What a shocker... 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Super Junior-M is back!

One of my favorite Chinese group (who happens to be Korean) is back!

Super Junior-M has returned after the whole Hangeng scandal with their new album and title track "Perfection" (太完美). I'm loving the beat of the song and the fact that my dancing-Korea-twin-brother Eunhyuk joins the group. Sungmin joins the group as well. I guess they both make up for the loss of Hangeng.

Despite the absence of my favorite Chinese artiste from the group, I love this song. There's just no escaping the fact. Its an awesome song. I do have one little comment to make about the song though. Is it just me, or does this song sound like BoA's Eat You Up? Somehow this song just reminds me of BoA's famous American track.

Anyway I just wanted to share this awesome song to my readers.

For those of you who wish to analyze my little statement about the BoA song, here's Eat You Up by BoA.

*UPDATE* OK screw it, I realized that neither of the two songs sounded like the other. But I still think of Eat You Up when I listen to Super Junior-M's song...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Adidas and Puma were Nazi's?

Hello people!

Now some of you may know that I have officially got off Facebook. I have handed my password over to my family back home and they will only give the new one to me for a maximum of once a week. After every log in, they will change my password again. Now some of you may be wondering "WTF is this ass talking about when I see pictures and blog updates on his Facebook?". That is true. Well for those of you who are technologically challenged, my Facebook is connected to a bunch of other applications like Instagram (pictures) and Networked Blogs (blog... duh). Sadly my Tap Tap Revenge account can no longer send my scores to Facebook because of the changed password.

So what have I done while I was off Facebook?

Well I've recently discovered a strange history that I am not supposed to be knowing other than American history because I have a test. ANYWAY, I found out that the founder of German sporting giant Adidas was a Nazi supporter. I also found out that his brother had a disagreement with him and left the company to form Puma. Now this totally pissed me off because for the past 19 years, I've lived my life thinking Puma was Italian. ITA-FREAKING-LIAN! How is it that you can relate Puma to the Germans is beyond me. Puma takes so much pride in being Italy's sponsors and having Italian flags on their clothing. WHY ARE THEY GERMAN? WARUM? That's why in German by the way. Yes, I Google Translated it. Maybe they were bought by an Italian? I don't know but I'm not supposed to be looking up this shit until after my tests.

So I have a Statistics quiz on Monday, an American Government test later that day (God bless me), and an Environmental Science test on Tuesday (I need Buddha). GAH!

I have decided to drop my African American Rhetoric course as it has no significance to my major whatsoever. I will be making up for it by taking Intercultural Communications next semester.


Oh yeah. I was a guest for a short period on my friend's live radio broadcast for their Valentine's segment. Their radio show is about Asian music. Their show is every Monday at 10pm and their next show will be on Malaysian music which I know nothing of. I was hoping to appear on the Malaysian segment but the amount of studying that I have to cover simply does not allow me to do so. Screw you E.Science!

I've also started watching Nikita and God-damn that Maggie Q is pretty. Ok yeah she's hot too but saying she's hot first would make me seem very shallow? No. Whatever.

Things on campus has been a roller-coaster ride for me. I've always been known to be a loner so I'm really not used to big groups of people. I'll get used to it. Heck, I'm a communications major dammit!

I'm also trying to bad-ass-ify my image because I think I'm too nice. Yes, apparently I'm thick-skinned too but you don't own me so shut up. I'm tired of absorbing crap and converting it into a smile like nothing has happened. Enough of the nice crap.

People tend to disappoint me. I've always had high hopes of people. But hey, that's why its called human nature. I will always have high expectations. But from now on I will try to expect the worst from people because that's what they'll give you 99.9% of the time.

I've once heard from a movie, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.". Or was that from someone I knew? I happen to be on both sides of that saying. I've said mean things, and I have received mean comments. What I believe in is that there is a limit to all this. You can only say so many mean things and make it seem like "fun" until someone hits a sensitive spot.

I am not complaining. I am not bitching. What I do want is less bullshit.

So here's a few things you might want to know about yours truly:

1. I am STRAIGHT! Call me gay and you shall suffer my extensive knowledge of the English language. I do not have anything against gay people but I DO have a problem with people who can't shut their little voice box about my sexual orientation when I have clearly stated it. I AM NOT CONFUSED.

2. I AM a nice guy. Yes, for some people who find that hard to believe, I am. But I can only remain nice as long as I am getting nice back in return. I don't do nice for people who send me hate.

3. I feed of hatred. This goes out to all the dislikes on my blog posts and all my haters on my videos. Grow a pair of testicles and keep your tongue and fingers in check. If you think sending me hate messages and disliking my posts is gonna put me down, you're wrong! I like pissing people like you off. It gives me great pleasure knowing that you waste your time reading my little posts and stress about it and spend ages thinking of a mean comment to post up when guess what? There is no intellectual content in your comment. Who gives a shit? I know way more words than you creeps put together. Go ahead, click on "Dislike" now. Or better yet, think of another no brain comment to post. =)

4. Silence does not mean a storm is brewing within. Just because I am silent, doesn't mean I am in a bad mood. Contrary to popular belief, I am a very quiet person. Must be the Ohio air. Silence could also mean that I just do not want anything to do with the situation.

5. I am a communications major.

6. I love shoes.

7. Especially high top shoes.

 8. I live half my life in reality, and the other half is online.

9. Maggie Q! What a dream.......

10. I ran out of facts since #4.

I'm going to study a little more before dinner. After dinner, back to studying. I love this weekend...
=D <--- See the happiness oozing out?

The international students will be heading to Grove City next Sunday for a shopping trip at the Premium Outlets so I am looking forward to change up my wardrobe and maybe make myself look more appealing to people that I actually want to appeal to.

This has been an achingly long post. Till next time!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

So it's that day again. February 14th. The day lovers and new sparks set off. The day florists earn their dough. The day loser guys think a box of chocolate can get them laid. The day I go about just as any other.

I don't have a Valentine as usual. Now that may sound sad but I really do prefer spending this day just as any other day. This year, I have decided to write something on my best-friend's Facebook wall. But guess what? It was too long to post on her wall!

So I copied it over and decided to make a blog post out of it. Now if I were back home in Penang, I'd be spending sleepless nights trying to make a cool video of it but I've been trying to catch up with a lot of work so here it is... Happy Valentine's Day Mabel Kok. =)

Dear Bestf,

Today is the day where new crush and couples go the extra mile to show their affections for each other. It is also the day where florists earn their entire year's income. For me, its another day to remind me we've been friends for another year.... despite differences in the past. Even today.

For three years we've been great friends,
For three years have I regretted? It depends.

Popular as you are, so many fans,
till I feared for my life, feared the guys who call themselves men.
They observe you from afar, they know your every move.
They send you messages on Facebook too.

Those messages, boy we had our laughs.
The things they say, who wouldn't laugh?
The word "laugh" I repeated above, repeated one time.
Because its a word I couldn't find another to rhyme. . . . . . . . with.

By now you might say,
"What the heck! This made my day!"
Or not...
But its okay, (okay and day rhymes!)
I love you..... anyway.

This crap I wrote on the spot.
I swear I didn't plan this, I thought
That I could just do this
Because please....

You my best friend LAH!

*I actually read this again before sending and even I don't understand what I'm saying to this point*

Boy, I miss saying LAH.

So the answer to the question at the beginning,
Do I regret? Or does it feel like winning?
REGRET! I would have to say.
Not because you treat me the way you do everyday.
I regret because of only one thing,
we should have been best-friends, right from the beginning....... of time.. LOL

Enough of this. My brain hurts from trying to rhyme. Maybe next time I will be more prepared, next time. Happy Valentine's Day Bestf. Looks like its just another day for us while we watch others make the florists rich. =)

This has to beat everything. I never wrote a "poem" in my life.

Have a warm Vday. All 34 degrees of it according to my weather forecast.

See you soon. ;)

*to vote this as cheesy content of the century gimme a hell yeah!*

I'm gonna get mocked so bad for this. lol

So how did I do? LOL!

Lots of love to Kansas. I miss you, bestf.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Rant: Valentine's Day.

Hey there! How's it goin'? Sorry I've been away for so long.

The reason I'm doing this is because there's a lot of shit going down in my home country these days and I am really sick of reading about the shit. Makes me feel embarrassed. What if people come up to me and say "Hey! You're from that messed up place aren't ya?"? What if?

The latest joke was about this whole Valentine's Day celebration. Now I know what Valentine's Day is. It is a day where lovers express their love for each other (actually you can do that everyday) and where single men finally have the balls to ask a girl out just because he bought expensive roses (which by the way, triples in cost during this week.) and chocolates for the girl he desires.

I am no expert in religion but I am sure as hell that Valentine's wasn't in Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Sikh, Baha'i, and in whatever religion you can find. I am pretty sure Valentine's is NOT a custom in any of the mentioned religions. We celebrate it anyway. Why? Because its a day of love, passion, romance, and I am starting to sound like a girl.

Now I've not had good Valentine's Days in the past. In fact, the first time I've ever celebrated Vday was last year and I can tell you now I regretted it. Oh yeah, RE-to the-GRET! Anyway I'm just annoyed at how couples and new found interests can't share this day together in peace now because there is apparently gonna be patrolling by a bunch of people who never had a decent Valentine's Day in their lives.


I mean seriously what you do and how you do it is none of our business and we respect that. So why can't you leave those sweet lovers alone and let them do whatever the hell they want? Hey, its not like they're forcing you to watch. Who invited you to the party?

Here's another brilliant thing I've just reallized. Even IF you do patrol the streets and strike fear into those poor young innocent souls, what makes you think they don't have their ways? I mean honestly if they knew you'd be out on the streets and so-called "lover spots" trying to find them, who in their right mind would let you find them? And if these people are doing "immoral" things, what are you? I mean you're trying to invade their priacy and tell them what to do. Heck, you're even LOOKING for them while they're in action. Now seriously, who has moral issues now?


So to all my readers, if you're still here, what are your Valentine's Day plans? I would love to read your comments and plans for the day. I'm not actually expecting to see any comments but I thought it makes me cooler to say this. Enjoy your Valentine's Day people.

BTW FYI, I am not doing anything for Valentine's Day. It was never my thing. I do have a 5 minute Skype date with the best-friend though. ;)

Missing you, Jayhawk...

Thank you!

Yours truly,

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Happy Chinese/Luner New Year everyone! I'm not gonna write much so I made this video earlier to wish you all. =)

A blast from the past... or last month.

Classes were canceled today thanks to an awesome snow storm topped off with rain and sub-zero temperature. I was looking through my pictures and videos and realized that I haven't posted a few of them up. Since its CNY/LNY, I'm gonna post up the whole lot.