Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

So it's that day again. February 14th. The day lovers and new sparks set off. The day florists earn their dough. The day loser guys think a box of chocolate can get them laid. The day I go about just as any other.

I don't have a Valentine as usual. Now that may sound sad but I really do prefer spending this day just as any other day. This year, I have decided to write something on my best-friend's Facebook wall. But guess what? It was too long to post on her wall!

So I copied it over and decided to make a blog post out of it. Now if I were back home in Penang, I'd be spending sleepless nights trying to make a cool video of it but I've been trying to catch up with a lot of work so here it is... Happy Valentine's Day Mabel Kok. =)

Dear Bestf,

Today is the day where new crush and couples go the extra mile to show their affections for each other. It is also the day where florists earn their entire year's income. For me, its another day to remind me we've been friends for another year.... despite differences in the past. Even today.

For three years we've been great friends,
For three years have I regretted? It depends.

Popular as you are, so many fans,
till I feared for my life, feared the guys who call themselves men.
They observe you from afar, they know your every move.
They send you messages on Facebook too.

Those messages, boy we had our laughs.
The things they say, who wouldn't laugh?
The word "laugh" I repeated above, repeated one time.
Because its a word I couldn't find another to rhyme. . . . . . . . with.

By now you might say,
"What the heck! This made my day!"
Or not...
But its okay, (okay and day rhymes!)
I love you..... anyway.

This crap I wrote on the spot.
I swear I didn't plan this, I thought
That I could just do this
Because please....

You my best friend LAH!

*I actually read this again before sending and even I don't understand what I'm saying to this point*

Boy, I miss saying LAH.

So the answer to the question at the beginning,
Do I regret? Or does it feel like winning?
REGRET! I would have to say.
Not because you treat me the way you do everyday.
I regret because of only one thing,
we should have been best-friends, right from the beginning....... of time.. LOL

Enough of this. My brain hurts from trying to rhyme. Maybe next time I will be more prepared, next time. Happy Valentine's Day Bestf. Looks like its just another day for us while we watch others make the florists rich. =)

This has to beat everything. I never wrote a "poem" in my life.

Have a warm Vday. All 34 degrees of it according to my weather forecast.

See you soon. ;)

*to vote this as cheesy content of the century gimme a hell yeah!*

I'm gonna get mocked so bad for this. lol

So how did I do? LOL!

Lots of love to Kansas. I miss you, bestf.

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