Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sometimes, you just need to STFU.

I can't hold it in anymore and to prevent myself from spamming Facebook which I would, I have decided to blog about this instead.

I have just returned to my room from an awesome 2 hours of music. The Midwest Dueling Pianos came and it was 2 guys, 2 pianos, all fun. So we were having fun with all the different songs and their medleys singing and clapping along. To sum it all up, it was BIG FUN.

Then I came back here and I signed into Facebook. First thing I saw was a video about a comment made by the wife of Malaysia's Prime Minister. When asked about the crisis japan is currently facing, the dumbass said "This, in my opinion, is a lesson to the other countries for whatever they wish to do or any development they wish to pursue must have the surroundings studied beforehand and relate it to the climate change and green technology. Including our country". What the f*** does the planning of the development and green technology have to do with what happened in Japan? Even climate change for that matter. I mean come on knucklehead the tsunami was a freak accident which resulted from an 8.9 magnitude earthquake which is very COMMON in Japan. Sure it is unfortunate for Japan to have to worry about 2 nuclear power plants while still trying to recover from this incident but CAN'T YOU THINK BEFORE YOU OPEN THAT THING YOU CALL A MOUTH? If I am Japanese, I'd be pissed the eff off. I know I hate the shit that's been happening back in Malaysia with all the police problems and the issues with politics but this has to be the day I feel embarrassed to be called a Malaysian. How can she represent our country when she can't even say something before thinking? How am I to face my Japanese friends when my country's FIRST LADY speaks of Japan's crisis this way?

Here is the video I saw for those who understand Bahasa Malaysia.

On other matters regarding shutting mouths, this girl from UCLA made a vlog and posted it up on YouTube ranting about how inconsiderate Asians are and how our parents didn't teach us to be independent because apparently Asians in UCLA have their family members over in the weekends to cook for them and do their laundry. She also talked about how Asians didn't know American manners where you have to be silent in the library. She was bitching about Asians because she was studying for her final exam and apparently those Asians were on the phone. She said that she is sorry for what happened to Japan but if they were gonna make phone calls at least go outside. Bitch FYI, its not American manners. It's the same around the world. WE KNOW THAT. And I assume you were dealing with Japanese people in the library. THEY ARE GRIEVING! I agree that it is unethical to be on the phone in the library but cut them some slack. And how about confronting them instead of bitching about Asians on the internet? And about the families coming over to cook and whatever, WE (unlike you) ARE NOT FROM AROUND HERE. So maybe they wanted some home-cooked food. What have they done to you to make you bitch about them? UCLA is such a big campus you're telling me the Asians are effing crowding up the campus? Go somewhere else! You stupid moron! DON'T GENERALIZE ASIANS you dumb shit. You don't see us generalizing Americans, DO YOU?

Here's the bitch:

"I know I'm not the most politically correct person" - Well DUH! Idiot =.=

Those ASIANS probably have a higher GPA and will do better in life than you.

So this ends my very heated rant about two people who should really shut the f*** up. If you have nothing nice to say, DON'T SAY IT!

My heart goes out to Japan. What happened was a major disaster that affects not only the nation, but all Japanese around the world. I hope the recovery would go along smoothly and hope to see Japan back to its advanced self in no time.

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